The trees have been planted for well over a month now, time to start mowing down some weeds. I got out to the field and realized the alfalfa had grown much higher than expected (my Christmas tree farm had historically been an alfalfa field that’s still farmed by a local farmer). My zero turn is 60″ wide and the row and column spacing of the tree’s is about 72″ so there wasn’t much margin for error here. I decided to find the first tree of the row and steadily (albeit slowly) make my way down the rows mowing as cautiously as I could. There were a few times I couldn’t find the planted tree to save my life, had to park the mower and hunt it down which made this job somewhat of a time sink. I’ll certainly need to get out to the field a little more often in order to make it easier to visually identify the trees and cut my mowing time in half. Lesson learned.
Ill be investigating into the proper concoction of fertilizer and pesticide to cook up for the trees. Ill keep you posted.